Pre Diagnostics
Next generation biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases
Pre Diagnostics
Next generation
blood tests
An intracellular approach to diagnostics – changing the way diagnostics approach blood tests
Pre Diagnostics is the first diagnostics company to focus on intracellular measurements of disease-specific biomarkers inside the blood cells. We extract disease-relevant information from biomarkers located inside specific blood cells called monocytes to provide actionable results for patient and practitioner.

First product detects Alzheimer’s disease before clinical symptoms appear
Pre Diagnostic’s first test will enable early detection of Alzheimer’s disease with an accurate, non-invasive, dynamic test, where the ongoing clearance of beta amyloid (Abeta) is measured. Abeta is considered to be the first hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease, and our test is the only blood test that measures the ongoing disease pathology demonstrated by Abeta clearance.